Insists on pointing out, keep in mind that a dissatisfied customer your unfortunate experience count to between nine and ten people, or even more so if the problem is serious. And on the other hand the same customer only tell three people if he has satisfied it the product or service. This implies that a high level of failures and errors are an easy path to the loss of customers and prospects. Six Sigma efforts are directed to three main areas: improving the satisfaction of the client reduce the cycle time reduce defects six sigma involves a statistical measure of the performance of a process or product level. A goal of achieving almost perfectly through the improvement of the performance. <\/p>\n
A steering system to achieve a long-lasting leadership in business and a performance of first level in a global scope. In addition, says that the measure at sigma was developed to help us: focus on the measures on customers who pay for goods and services. Many measures only focus on costs, labor hours and volumes of sales, being these measures which are not directly related to the needs of customers. Provide a consistent measure and compare mode different processes. Six Sigma is a system that combines a strong leadership with the commitment and energy of the base, applying to do so seven fundamental principles.Principle 1: Genuine customer focus (internal and external how).Principle 2: Address based on facts and data (statistics).Principle 3: Processes are where the action is.Principle 4: Address preventive, and proactive as opposed to reactive management.Principle 5: Collaboration without barriers, both vertical and horizontal.Principle 6: Pursuit of perfection.Principle 7: Application of Taguchi ideas in terms of the loss function, and robust design. <\/p>\n